Prof. Paola Cogo
Curriculum Vitae
Scopus ID: 6603967151
After the Medical Degree in 1984 and a Medical Residency in Pediatrics in 1989 at the University of Padua, Prof. Paola Cogo worked as a Clinical fellow in Critical Care Medicine at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (1992-93) and as Research Fellow at the Neonatology Dept. of the Sophia Children’s Hospital in Rotterdam (1993). Prof. Cogo then returned to Italy where she obtained her Medical Residency in Neonatology at the University of Padua, before being awarded research grants and fellowships to establish her own independent laboratory. Prof. Cogo is the PI of the Pediatric Critical Care Lab (PCare) of the Dept. of Women’s and Children’s Health (University of Padua) at the Fondazione Pediatric Research Institute, “Città della Speranza” and Chair of the Division of Pediatrics, University Hospital, ASUFC – Udine (University of Udine). She is Full Professor in Anaesthesiology (MED41) and in Pediatrics (MED 38).
She chairs the research section on Congenital Heart disease, ESPNIC Society, and she is part of the international committee in Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society.
Paola Cogo has performed translational research in critical care for the last 30 years. One of her main research topics concerns the mechanism and prevention of acute organ damage associated with cardiac surgery in infants with congenital heart diseases. Her research team developed new methods to study in vivo metabolic pathways, using stable isotopes, and high-resolution mass spectrometry in humans. This approach permitted to assess mechanisms of acute organ injury and drug delivery and pharmacokinetics, by exploiting complex matrices like tracheal aspirates, urine, and blood.
Prof. Cogo is author of 245 Scopus-indexed documents (5178 citations) with an h-index of 37.