Single Cell Analysis
Single-cell analysis characterize individual cells, allowing their clustering and characterization in an unsupervised manner.
Single Cell Analysis
Single-cell analysis characterize individual cells, allowing their clustering and characterization in an unsupervised manner.

Facility manager Dr. Diana Corallo
The IRP Single Cell Facility is equipped with all the instrument needed for the single cell mRNA libraries preparation workflow allowing researchers to take advantage of the single cell analysis potential even without prior knowledge of the technology.
What you can do with us
- Support in workflow design and management
- Whole Transcriptome Single Cell Analysis (WTA) library preparation
- Cell-surface proteins analysis (AbSeq) library preparation
- Single Cell Data Quality Control
Why choosing us
- 4-years experience in managing single cell analysis that enables us to handle your needs with confidence.
- Tight integration with our Bioinformatics Facility to optimize the experimental design and data interpretation.
Our technologies portfolio
BD Rhapsody
consisting in two Express modules for the capture and barcoding of the single cells, together with a scanner for the viability and quality check, in a full fledged workflow including a TapeStation for final QC.