Predictive Medicine Area

Prof. Eugenio Baraldi
Area Coordinator
The overall goal of predictive medicine in pediatric medicine is to flag risk factors so that physicians can work to reduce the chances of future problems for patients. Our research team, composed of clinicians, biostatisticians, biologists and chemist, develops advanced predictive models in the field of disease risk prediction and prevention and follow-up.
The Pediatric Critical Care Project (PCare) is conducting studies on lung surfactant metabolism and drug administration, neonatal nutrition, and respiratory and neurological outcomes of congenital heart disease.
Metabolome and lipidomics are of interest for expanding our understanding of complex biological systems in the context of function, since metabolites are downstream of all other levels of biological regulation. Therefore, the metabolome reflects the cumulative changes resulting from processes involving the genome, transcriptome and proteome, as well as their interactions with the environment. The metabolome therefore directly reflects the phenotype of a given biological system at the molecular metabolic level. In other words, while genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics together provide a model of what might be happening within a biological system, metabolomics provides a snapshot of phenotypic traits, revealing what is currently happening or has happened as a result of these other levels of biological regulation.
Mass Spectrometry and Metabolomics
Prof. Eugenio Baraldi | Co-Principal Investigator
Dr. Giuseppe Giordano | Co-Principal Investigator
Pediatric Critical Care (PCare)
Prof. Paola Cogo | Principal Investigator