Prof. Alessandra Murgia
Curriculum Vitae
Scopus ID 7004130427
Prof. Murgia obtained the MD degree in 1981 and specialized in Endocrinology (1984) and Pediatrics (1995) at the School of Medicine, University of Padua. She also obtained a PhD in Developmental Sciences. In 1985 Prof. Murgia moved to Philadelphia where she worked as Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Dept.s of Internal Medicine and Human Genetics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine until the end of 1991, before coming back to Padova.
Prof. Murgia is Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Coordinator of the Fragile X Center of Padova and Principal Investigator of the Molecular Genetics of Neurodevelopment Laboratory.
She teaches Child Neuropsychiatry at the Schools of Medicine and School of Psychology. Prof. Murgia has authored 90 full papers published in international peer-reviewed and indexed scientific journals.
During her academic career, Prof. Murgia’s laboratory has been supported by National and EU Research Grants as a Primary Investigator/collaborator, most notably AIRC; Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata Regione Veneto; COFIN/PRIN; (GENDEAF); EuroRett Project: European Consortium for the study of Rett Syndrome and Fondazione Cariplo; Telethon; FRAXA Research Foudation as well as IRP and SDB grants.
She is sitting in the scientific committee of the Italian Fragile X Association and board of advisors of the International Fragile X Association; she is member of the advisory board of Shionogi. Prof. Murgia is a member of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG); European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG); Italian Society of Human Genetics (SIGU).
Prof. Murgia obtained the MD degree in 1981 and specialized in Endocrinology (1984) and Pediatrics (1995) at the School of Medicine, University of Padua. She also obtained a PhD in Developmental Sciences. In 1985 Prof. Murgia moved to Philadelphia where she worked as Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Dept.s of Internal Medicine and Human Genetics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine until the end of 1991, before coming back to Padova.
Prof. Murgia is Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Coordinator of the Fragile X Center of Padova and Principal Investigator of the Molecular Genetics of Neurodevelopment Laboratory.
She teaches Child Neuropsychiatry at the Schools of Medicine and School of Psychology. Prof. Murgia has authored 90 full papers published in international peer-reviewed and indexed scientific journals.
During her academic career, Prof. Murgia’s laboratory has been supported by National and EU Research Grants as a Primary Investigator/collaborator, most notably AIRC; Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata Regione Veneto; COFIN/PRIN; (GENDEAF); EuroRett Project: European Consortium for the study of Rett Syndrome and Fondazione Cariplo; Telethon; FRAXA Research Foudation as well as IRP and SDB grants.
She is sitting in the scientific committee of the Italian Fragile X Association and board of advisors of the International Fragile X Association; she is member of the advisory board of Shionogi. Prof. Murgia is a member of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG); European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG); Italian Society of Human Genetics (SIGU).