Launch of the “ban IRP 2021-2023”, which will receive 3.3 million from Città della Speranza
€3.3 million for innovative clinical and translational research projects that have a strong impact on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pediatric diseases. It is with this objective that the Città della Speranza Foundation has made available such substantial funding for the “IRP 2021-2023 Call”, newly launched and aimed at researchers of the Institute of Pediatric Research Città della Speranza.
This is an important and growing investment by the non-profit organization, which for the previous call (2019-2020) had allocated 2 million euros, allowing the development of 13 studies of excellence.
The new projects, which will start on 1 January 2021 and will last three years (two years for the Moving category), must fall into one of the following categories:
- IRP Starting Grant: is aimed at young talented researchers who are starting their own group or independent research program (maximum amount per project: 220,000 euros);
- IRP Consolidator Grant: is aimed at Principal Investigators who want to consolidate their independent research group or program and continue to develop a successful career (maximum amount per project: 330,000 euros);
- IRP Advanced Grant: is aimed at Principal Investigators already established in their field of research and whose results are proven (maximum amount per project: 440,000 euros);
- IRP Moving Grant: is aimed at researchers who have completed their PhD and wish to consolidate their training, for a period of at least 18 months, in a research centre in Italy or abroad to acquire technical skills not available in the host institution (maximum amount per project: 100,000 euro).
The full call and the forms are available at this link. Applications must be submitted by September 30, 2020 to grantoffice@irpcds.org.
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