Intercellular Calcium Signaling Induced by ATP Potentiates Macrophage Phagocytosis Sara Zumerle, Bianca Calı`, Fabio Munari, Roberta Angioni, Francesco Di Virgilio, Barbara Molon, Antonella Viola Cell Reports 27: 1-10, 2019
Live imaging of stem cells in the germarium of the Drosophila ovary using a reusable gas-permeable imaging chamber Amy Reilein, Elisa Cimetta, Nina M. Tandon, Daniel Kalderon and Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic Nature Protocols, published online 22 October...
Preclinical evaluation of second generation PIM inhibitors for the treatment of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoma Renate De Smedt, Sofie Peirs, Julie Morscio, Filip Matthijssens, Juliette Roels, Lindy Reunes, Beatrice Lintermans, Steven Goossens, Tim...
Preclinical three‐dimensional colorectal cancer model: The next generation of in vitro drug efficacy evaluation Francesca Sensi, Edoardo D’Angelo, Sara D’Aronco, Roberto Molinaro, Marco Agostini J Cell Physiol. 2018;1–11