Animal Facility
Biomedical research is required, in specific cases, to use animal models to validate in vitro results. This has to be done according several regulations aimed at the protection of animals used for scientific purpose.
Animal Facility
Biomedical research is required, in specific cases, to use animal models to validate in vitro results. This has to be done according several regulations aimed at the protection of animals used for scientific purpose.

Facility manager Dr. Giuseppe Germano
The Animal facility at the IRP provides equipment and related technologies for the accommodation and maintaining of small animals (mice and zebrafish) for biomedical research according to international (Directive 63/2010/EU) and national (D.lgs. 26/2014) legislation concerning the protection of animals used for scientific purpose.
The Mouse facility is a specific pathogen-free (SPF) animal research unit that consists of one housing room with a total capacity of 320 individually ventilated cages, three experimental procedure rooms and one fully equipped behavioral testing room.
The Zebrafish facility consists of an automatic recirculating aquaria system with the capacity to house up to 2,000 zebrafish in 160 tanks and separate lab room equipped with a variety of instrumentation for microinjection and fluorescence imaging.